Abundant Life Advent Challenge: Day 14

Abundant Life Challenge

Do you still subscribe to magazines? If so, I’d love to know which ones. Let me know in the comments. Also, what prompted you to subscribe and why do you still receive them? As I wrote in Save the Butter Tubs! Discover Your Worth in a Disposable World, I stopped subscribing or purchasing magazines years ago. Sometimes I miss flipping through the pages of some of my favorites. What I don’t miss, is the clutter from them. I had stacks here and there and everywhere! 

Today, I only subscribe to one periodical and it came with a digital membership for other content I was seeking otherwise, I’d pass. At least now, I only have one stack. The good news is that I plan to recycle these into something fun. So I’m not tossing my one subscription. What about you? Do you have a clear plan for your stack? How will you use your old magazines?

If you are hanging on to them for a “someday” event or idea, it might be time to pair down or declutter altogether. Today, you only have to grab fourteen. They can be fourteen of the oldest ones or the ugliest ones. It doesn’t matter but make a plan to part with them. Donate them to a doctor’s office waiting room, women’s shelter, or classroom, or toss them in your donation box. If you plan on reselling any of your books, some used bookstores buy magazines as well

Happy decluttering day!

Brenda A. Haire is the Co-founder and CEO of Joy of Pursuit, helping authors write, publish, market, and build an author business. She is the founder of Publish & Tell creating retreats and cozy inspiration for writers. She’s the author of The Worth Saving Series: Knowing Your Worth Changes Everything, The Worth Pursuing Series: A Moved Soul, The Team Solution Series: HR Coaching to Grow Teams and Profit, and The Author Solution Series.

Brenda Haire

Author, Speaker, and Integrator helping business builders clarify their purpose, solve their biggest problems with specific processes, and publish their message.


Abundant Life Advent Challenge: Day 15


Abundant Life Advent Challenge: Day 13