Abundant Life Advent Challenge: Day 13
We’re over the hump! Christmas will be here before we know it. Are you ready? Not just with the shopping lists checked but have you prepared your heart to celebrate our King?
Today in my quiet time, this Scripture spoke volumes to me.
“When he comes on that day, he will receive glory from his holy people—praise from all who believe. And this includes you, for you believed what we told you about him. So we keep on praying for you, asking our God to enable you to live a life worthy of his call. May he give you the power to accomplish all the good things your faith prompts you to do. Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ.” –2 Thessalonians 10-12
Of course, this Scripture isn’t referring to Christmas but Jesus’ return. He is coming back. Who do you want to be when He does? Do you want to be the person so consumed with the world that you don’t recognize Him? Or are you preparing your heart and aligning your life with what He has for you?
That is the core of this challenge. Advent is a period of preparation. As I type that, I’m overwhelmed with emotion. Shouldn’t we live in Advent permanently—from the time we are redeemed until the day He returns? Not that we have to prepare ourselves to be good enough. That’s not the case at all. Jesus redeemed us as we are. The preparation should resemble the aforementioned Scripture—living a life worthy of His call.
So today’s challenge, let’s part with some of the distractions in our lives. Not that entertainment is a bad thing; it can, however, distract us from our mission. Head to your
entertainment center or area. Are there DVDs, CDs, VHS, Cords, or other items you can part with? If you’re like me, cords will be the bulk of your thirteen items today. Take a look at your DVD collection, if you still have one, and part with movies you don’t think represent who you are today or who you want to be in the future. Make these decisions from the first instinct. Don’t overthink. Grab those thirteen items and toss them in the box.
Congratulations on sticking with the challenge, or at a minimum tackling today’s exercise. God is on the move
Brenda A. Haire is the Co-founder and CEO of Joy of Pursuit, helping authors write, publish, market, and build an author business. She is the founder of Publish & Tell creating retreats and cozy inspiration for writers. She’s the author of The Worth Saving Series: Knowing Your Worth Changes Everything, The Worth Pursuing Series: A Moved Soul, The Team Solution Series: HR Coaching to Grow Teams and Profit, and The Author Solution Series.