Abundant Life Advent Challenge: Day 11
Not a place I want to start today, because it’s cold here in Texas, but your fridge and freezer are both places that cause you to waste money regularly because you don’t know what you have. You can’t toss things today into your donation box. Today is about trashing outdated items. It should be fairly easy. Reach for the items tucked behind other items. Look in the drawers and bins in the doors. Are all those salad dressings still in date? Do you even like them? Get to at least 11 items gone and then post and move on. You’re doing awesome! You’re almost halfway done with this challenge.
I pray that like me, you are experiencing bits of freedom and hope in this challenge. It’s interesting how parting with just a few things, frees us. I’m not a scientist but I’m guessing it has something to do with the chemicals or hormones we release when we are letting go of things. The amount of productivity I’ve experienced since I started this challenge has been mind-blowing. The energy and clarity are welcomed gifts. I pray you are receiving them as well. Do the challenge! God will show up in your generosity and obedience to not making idols out of things!
Let me know how you’re feeling so far in the challenge. I’d love to hear!
Snap pics or do a quick video to show you are in the challenge and then post regularly to hold yourself accountable. #abundantlifeadvent
Brenda A. Haire is the Co-founder and CEO of Joy of Pursuit, helping authors write, publish, market, and build an author business. She is the founder of Publish & Tell creating retreats and cozy inspiration for writers. She’s the author of The Worth Saving Series: Knowing Your Worth Changes Everything, The Worth Pursuing Series: A Moved Soul, The Team Solution Series: HR Coaching to Grow Teams and Profit, and The Author Solution Series.